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The Westside Warriors did their part on Clean Air Day this year. 

The Warriors served breakfast at the Stevens Road Transit Exchange in West Kelowna on Clean Air Day (June 2nd, 2010).

But they only served to those who were environmentally friendly commuters.  Those are people who walk, cycle, rollerblade, skateboard, take transit or carpool: anything but driving alone!

Clean Air Day is a celebration of environmentally-friendly activities that promote clean air and good health across Canada. It is a great opportunity to make environmentally-friendly lifestyle choices, for you, your family and your community.  Clean Air Day takes place during Commuter Challenge Week (May 31 – June 5) which is also National Environment Week.

Transportation is the largest contributor to the decline of our local air quality. Fewer cars on the road also means reduced need for new roads and parking lots, less noise and the ability to preserve our natural green spaces. Everyone can make a difference, with small changes to their driving habits. 


People also had the chance to sign up for chances to win many prizes including a 2-for-1 season's pass from the Warriors!